Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.

Pearls Blog

Pearls Blog

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46
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  • Dec1Thu

    Consistent action creates success

    What am I consistent in? December 1, 2022
    Filed Under:
    Pearls Blog

    Consistent. This one word. It’s probably one of the most needed attribute in the believers of today, yet it’s also the most underrated. Think about it and you’ll quickly see that consistency creates success. And all it is..It is basically the habit of doing a thing on a regular basis. So, can’t be that hard, right? Weelll, let’s just say, if consistency in Christianity was more popular, we’d be seeing and living in a much different world. Why do I believe this?

    Take Jesus for example. If you think about it, nothing about His lifestyle was spectacular. Now let me explain, before you jump all over me. He lived an ordinary life for years, working at his craft like every other man around him. In fact for 30 years you didn’t really hear much about him at all. What was He doing in those 30 years leading up to His ministry? I fully believe he was living a consistent life, devoted to growing spiritually. Luke (2:52) testifies to this and writes: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” The key word for me in this verse is "increased”. This word in Greek is “prokoptō” and only appears 6x in the Bible. It means "to cut a passage forward; to advance, make progress; to advance as time, to make progress or proficiency in.” This is what consistency does. It cuts a passage forward where previously there was none. It increases within a person the ability and strength to accomplish a thing.

    Look at His ministry; Jesus was incredibly consistent. He lived out the fruit of the Holy Spirit, not occasionally, but consistently. He went about doing good, teaching in the synagogue, preaching the good news, healing every disease and sickness among the people.  He was constant in this. Never wavered, never changed his philosophy. I honestly believe that if we would imitate Christ in this area, it would vastly improve our overall experience of life. Do you know the Bible in 1 John 2:6 tells us, that if we say that we abide in Christ, we ought to walk just as He walked! To walk in this verse means: to maintain a certain walk of life and conduct. So, if I am abiding in Christ, my walk should be a replicate of His. I’ll let you ponder on that for a bit, and while you do I pray that the Lord will enlighten your eyes to see His will.

    How can we become consistent? Here are my thoughts:

    • How consistent are you in your daily walk in the Lord? If you know you’re weak in this area and you need to improve, start with baby steps. Make one decision today that will help you to grow in faith..and then do it. If it means 15 min of studying, start there. Do it till it becomes a habit. Only than add another step. Do this next step until it too becomes a habit. Action. Even if it seems like the smallest thing, one baby step is already a step forward. You don’t have to reach the end goal right now, it’s impossible to reach the top of the mountain in one step. Often, because we can’t see the top of the mountain from the bottom, we get discouraged and don’t even bother to start climbing. Small steps!
    • Be decisive. How many of us procrastinate day in and day out? We have awesome ideas, yet ideas don’t become reality without intentional action.
    • Start with what you have and go from there. For instance, did you know that you already possess knowledge? Surprise! Have you passed on any of the knowledge you have? Anytime we share a knowledge that God has given us, it builds confidence inside us. My dad used to say that if we you want to remember something just share it with at least 3 people. Multiplying, it will multiply within you!
    • Accountability! This is key. It’s also a valuable gift we don’t utilize in the body of Christ. Alone, we’ll probably fall off the wagon when things get rough and bumpy. We’re the worst at keeping ourselves accountable. If you want to build and progress, it’s much better to do it together. A threefold cord is not easily broken! Pray for and find Godly friends who will call you out when you go off the path and encourage you to another level in the Spirit. This is real love.
    • One area where we need to be consistent is in our words. When we are consistent in speaking positively, it vastly improves our outlook. It doesn’t help looking in the mirror every day and calling yourself a failure. I suggest you get a marker and write an encouraging note to yourself on the mirror: I am a beloved son/daughter of  God, I am highly blessed and favored. I’ve got all I need to accomplish that which I need to accomplish because Jesus lives in me.” Isn’t that better?:)
    • Where focus goes, energy flows. This is a scientific fact. Actually, if you get your heart in line with Gods Word and are being consistent in renewing your mind, you’ll be unstoppable. If your focus is the kingdom of God, you’ll pull the kingdom of God with all its resources towards you. Like attracts like. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will just fall into its rightful place.
    • Commit to take action now. I can’t emphasize this enough. The worst habit we have, as a whole, is contained in the words "I’ll do it later.” For years I’ve taken notes, filled journals, and one day it just seemed such a waste to me. All these words, but they had no purpose. Well, fast forward, guess how this blog was born? It’s just a small step,but at least all these words aren’t being stored in a drawer where they’ll never see the light of day. I’m sharing this to make a point. If we want to make a change in this world, it’s got to start with making a commitment to take action. Start today and start somewhere. Do I want to grow in faith? I have to make a commitment to study the Word every day. Doesn’t have to be hours. A small step taken over and over, leads to success. Do you want to have better relationships? Reach out daily, make it a point to be consistently there  on a daily basis, and you’ll be amazed at the outcome. Commitment = desired results.
    • Give God something to work with. Step out and do. Dig a ditch and you’ll see how God will fill it. (2 Kings 3: 16- 20). What is holding you back? Is it simply you don’t know what to do? First, God leads by His word. Are you consistently reading His instructions? Then you will also be directed. Next, if you feel a nudge, don’t resist it! Go, move, do. There is no reward without risk.
    • Deal with your motives. Ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Why do I want that? Is it God-based, and God pleasing?
    • Don’t quit. You know, the Bible mentions oxen quite a bit. Why does this animal have such value? May it be because of its resilience? The ox was used to plow land, tilling hard ground. It didn’t quit, it just kept plodding on and on till the work was completed. You don’t yet know the potential inside of you. There is more, much more, excellence and ability within you. Much more! No matter how hard it gets, be determined to never quit.

    Lord, may the art of consistency not be lost in this generation. Teach us by Your Spirit how beautiful it is when we abide in You. Let us not grow weary in doing good and in pursuing that which is good and right and perfect! I feel You saying, “Just follow the light!” Last night, driving home in the dark, we came upon a winding road and all along the highway on each side there were lights guiding us, keeping us from veering off the path. I felt Your heart speaking to me, saying "This is how my Word will guide you. I will and I am the light guiding you through what might seem dark times. Just keep going, keep moving, from light to light. From faith to faith. I am with You.” That is such a beautiful picture! Thank you Father. Thank you for daily provision and light along our path. Thank you that there is reward for those that diligently seek You! We praise you in Jesus Name, Amen.

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