Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.


My story is not that different from your story. In fact, it could be that it is the same one, with slight differences here and there. Yet, it’s our differences that make us unique, isn’t it? So, here is my story:
 I grew up on the Bible; the stories a staple in my everyday life. Adam and Eve walking with God in the garden. Isaac and Rebecca. Joseph, a dreamer and daddy’s favorite, sold into slavery by his brothers, only to one day become a prince. Moses, of whom it is said in Deuteronomy 34: He was unparalleled for all the signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do.  Then there is Joshua, Jonah, Esther, David, Mary... I could go on and on. 
Though I loved each of these, still do, it was Jesus who captured my heart. The little babe in a manger; I couldn’t comprehend how God could hold the world in His hands and still be this tiny baby we celebrate at Christmas. This boy who grew to become a man of wonder and miracles: healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, bringing hope to the lost and weary. Teaching of a way of life that sounded heavenly. I’ll be honest though, I didn’t much like the cross. My compassionate heart couldn’t take the cruelty of it, this man whom I love being tortured and killed. 
It wasn’t until, as a young teen, I understood the why of the cross and gave my life to Christ.   His incredible love for me, combined with the power of the cross to save and redeem me; these truths became the stepping stone to being born again. I had always loved Jesus, but now He was more than a story. He was not only my Creator and my God, but now also my Savior and Friend. 
They say, Home is where the heart is. Well, Jesus is home to me. Here is where I grew up and here is where I belong. He is where my heart is. Stayed upon, fixed on. In all the world, there is no better place to call home!
So I write. Pen in hand, creating on paper. It’s a passion, a love, a breathing in of fresh air for me. And if I’m honest it’s really not my story I write, but His. I’ll read the words I’ve written and more often than not, I’m amazed at how God speaks to me through my writing. It’s those moments that make me realize, “These never were my words, were they?” God gives them to me as a gift and my writing them and sharing, is my gift back to Him.
  I guess, I can only say: I pray to share Gods thoughts as I write. I’m not seeking fame, but I am seeking to make Him known. To make His heart known. In that way, His story and my story have joined and become one. He loves me and I was made to love Him. 
 To me, that is the best and greatest part of my story: I get to join in and become a part of His story. It’s incredible, wonder-filled and true. Here I am, in the midst of it! I invite you to come and join in. Be a part of the journey. After all, my story and your story are not that different. In fact, it could be, we have the same one!
In Him, 
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