Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.

Pearls Blog

Pearls Blog

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46
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  • Sep23Wed

    The importance of the Word of God

    The Word in action September 23, 2020
    Filed Under:
    Pearls Blog

    Sometimes, the simplicity of the Word astounds me. It’s full of good advice and wisdom, which is simply given, not at all complicated, so that no man could ever have the excuse of saying, I didn’t understand. Yet, in all it’s simplicity lies a depth that is immeasurable. For example:

     • It’s not just words on a page, but it’s the Word, the breath of heaven, very much alive and powerful. It’s sharper than a two-edged sword, Hebrews 4:12. 

     •It contains milk for the babe in Christ, but also solid food for the mature in Christ, 1 Cor 3:1-2. 

     •The word is a fire (purifies) and a hammer(shatters the hard places), Jeremiah 23:29. 

     •It is also a mirror, which one looks into and sees the reflection of the inner man. James 1:23-25.

     •The Word is a lamp and a light, making clear the way we are to walk and illuminating the paths we are to take. Psalm 119:105


     Yet, one might ask, what does that mean for me? Why is it important to know about the Word, it’s simplicity and depth, it’s many forms? For us, as believers, it comes down to this: You do have the Word but it’s not enough to only have it, you must also let it transform and work in you. Likewise, you do understand the basics, but it’s not enough, you also have the ability and opportunity to grow in your knowledge of the Word. So. What are you doing with that which you are reading? What are you doing with the knowledge that has been imparted to you? Take heed! For Jesus warns in Matthew 7:26, “ Everyone who hears these words of Mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”

     It’s not enough to just hear the word and the commands of Jesus. Action must follow. It’s action added to the hearing of the Word which builds the character of God in us. We are not only to be “hearers”of the Word but also “doers” of the Word. 

     For me it’s often a battle between, do I act upon my desires or upon His desires? What I desire is often not His desire for me, and so to follow after that,(I’m going to do it my way) leads to disobedience. Which never ends well. Something amazing happens, though, as I read the Word and seek after His heart and His kingdom...He puts His desires into my heart. As l walk along with Jesus in this fashion, putting my hand in His and pursuing His will, He implants more and more of His heart within me and pretty soon, there is no difference between my desires and His. They’re both one and the same because my heart is reflecting His heart. And so, what was once a daily battleground becomes a land of peace and blessings. This is just one example of how the Word, being implanted,( this is the simplicity part) goes to work and transforms, reaping a harvest from a seed planted in faith, (this is the depth, the immeasurable grace of the Word).

     I believe winning the battle comes down to this: how important do I believe the Word to be and how much am I willing to yield to it. That’s it. That simple. Psalm 119 :1-2, tells us that blessed and happy are those whose way is blameless, who are walking in the light of Gods word. Blessed are they that keep the ways of God and seek Him with their whole hearts. 

     It’s not meant to be complicated, though. From the very beginning of the Bible to the very end, it’s all about relationship. I believe that’s the perspective with which we are to come to the Word. To read it as if it was written just for you, meant for you today. Because it is. It’s a personal letter, written to you, for whatever situation you’re in right now. Man, if I received a letter from a friend, I’m not waiting another minute to open it. I can’t wait to read the words. Why? Because I know they were written just for me and with me in mind. It’s words from a heart I know and love and trust. That’s what makes letters soo good! It’s the sharing of hearts, the building of a relationship, the beauty of knowing another’s dreams and desires. The Word of God is meant to be read in the same way! With reverence, with joy, with anticipation! It’s not just a book. It’s a letter of love written for you by a God who thinks about you constantly. It’s not just words, but it is His breath in each Word, which you are breathing in and it is powerful and works mightily within you. The author of the Bible is very much alive and He is within His word. It’s a hard concept for the natural mind to grasp, but we have a living proof of the reality of the Word: His name is Jesus. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.....The Word became flesh and lived among us. John 1:1, 14. 


    Jesus is the Word that came to live among us. He is the reality of the Word. The intangible proof of the power, the love, the compassion, the holiness and righteousness of the Word. Jesus is the Word lived out, and He desires to be the Word lived out in you and through you today. Ask Him what this looks like and then believe to receive His answer as you meditate on the Word. 


    What I’m trying to bring across is this: go to the Word with anticipation, expecting God to speak to you in a new and fresh way. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal the heart of God to you as you read. Pray to know the reality of the Word. God revealed this to me not long go: by meditating and being in the Word, I am actually meditating on Jesus. I’m infusing Jesus into my heart, my mind, my emotions, my desires. The Word is as a fresh spring of water, it gives and gives and keeps on giving Jesus. That’s what saves. It’s the life flow of the Word, the life flow of Jesus into every part of me. And I can have as much of Jesus as I want. I can have as much of this miraculous life-flow as I desire. Imagine the Bible as God breathing out His strength, His love, His goodness, His Holiness. Now imagine as you read the Bible and study, you’re breathing in the breath that God breathes out. The more of the Word you breathe in, the more of Him you receive into your heart.  More of his strength, more of his compassion, more of his wisdom. This is why it’s important, a necessity to be in the Word on a daily basis! We can’t do this thing called life on our own strength. We need His.

     How do I know when I’m working on my own strength? When I get easily frustrated, I’m impatient, I’m selfish, I get tempted and don’t have resistance, when I see a need and walk past it.  There are a lot of signs that show I’m not working with His strength, but basically, the way to gage yourself is by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When you’re operating on His strength and power these are evident: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 6:22-23)


    Hope this helps and blesses you as you continue to grow in the Lord . I pray faith rises up on the inside of you as you read His Word. I pray that you will be rooted and grounded in the Word, and firmly established in Christ’s love. May the grace and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you, today and always. In Jesus Name, we pray and say, Amen.

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