Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.

Pearls Blog

Pearls Blog

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46
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  • Jul22Sat

    Just pray

    Here I am to worship July 22, 2023
    Filed Under:
    Pearls Blog

    My fall was caught by grace

    How can I not be amazed

    He is the Lord and I am His

    He calls me worthy, I am so forgiven

    I am accepted, I am beloved

    He lifts me up, sits me at His table

    Grace is the provision!

    He has captured my heart

    He has set me apart

    Adored, perfected, not rejected

    He is my protection

    I am so loved! I am so loved!

    Thank you Abba, thank you

    You have my love

    I am Yours.

    Father, I pray that I will always be captured by grace. I pray that my heart will always be captivated by your love. Wash me of all shame and doubt and let me stand confident in the truth of what you have proclaimed. You have broken every chain, made me new, gave me your name. I identify by Your name! I am  thankful, so thankful that you have given me Your name. I wrap myself in you and I wear your name like a badge of glory. How you have honored me, loved and accepted me into Your circle. Loving kindness are the arms holding me! You overwhelm me. Thank you Father!

    You have anointed me with oil and called me by name. I am known by you. Unspeakable joy flows from your heart to mine and I am struck. Flooded by light, a new life is risen within me. A new purpose is mine. You have anointed me to speak good news to the poor! You have called me to rebuild the ancient ruins and to be a rebuilder of the walls. I am here Lord, use me as your ambassador. Shepherd me, teach me, and I will proclaim your kingdom in this world. You are worthy! Worthy to have it all.

    Grace and peace is mine and Your divine power has given me everything through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I’m astounded by all I have been given. I am so in awe by your precious promises! Reveal to my heart the truth hidden in each one and may I never let them go. Destroy and expose every lie I may be believing in and holding on to. Oh Abba, let me not keep holding on to that which was never meant for me! Help me to let go when You say let go. Help me to hold on when you say hold on.

    Teach me to be a true imager of God. Help me to multiply that which you have called me to multiply and to destroy that which diminishes your kingdom on earth! I am here to grow your kingdom! I am here to build the new Jerusalem! I am here to stir the flame and set others on fire for You. This is my purpose. This is Your plan for me. Eden was Your desire and still is. May my focus be to bring the blueprint of Eden back into the hearts of man everywhere. Help us Father to enlarge the area of our tent. To enlarge our territory and thereby take back the places that the enemy has stolen.

    Where we have been complacent, Lord we ask for forgiveness. Forgive us for not being alert and aware. Forgive our lax and lazy attitude. Surround us with people, with fellowship, with songs and prayers, that remind us to arise and go forth in battle. Let us not forsake our post, nor leave our fellow citizen to fight alone. Holy Spirit teach us the beautiful intricate way the whole body works together, to heal, to build up, to help, to bring joy and peace to every member. May it not be lost to us that we need each other. Let us not tear down what You have built nor tear each other apart in useless and vain arguments.

    Thine is the glory! Thine is the kingdom and the power! You alone are God Almighty and there is none like You. We bow down and worship You for You have made us, we are the sheep of Your pasture. How beautiful is Your name in all the Earth! How beautiful is Your everlasting love. Oh, how marvelous and wonderful is your love! From sea to sea let it ring forth and let your glory cover the earth. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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