Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.

Pearls Blog

Pearls Blog

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46
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  • Jul28Wed

    A different perspective

    A heavenly view July 28, 2021
    Filed Under:
    Pearls Blog

    The ability to see by faith what God is doing in the spiritual realm. Do you know that you have that gift? It’s a part of being a child of God.

     Words paint pictures on the inside of us. Our mind actually creates the image of what we are thinking on. That’s the beauty, the amazing ability of our imagination. If I’m talking about a beautiful horse and I’m giving you all the details, big, white, strong, flowing mane, stamping hooves, running like the start to form a picture in your mind, right? That’s the power of the mind at work. 

     Our mind. We don’t see it, but wow, does it ever shape our life. What we dwell upon is what we soon will do. Every action is first a thought in our mind. From small beginnings comes great accomplishments or great mistakes, depending on what you choose to let your mind focus upon. So, what are we thinking on? What are you imagining? Cause the picture you paint in your heart is building a framework for your future. And that framework? It’s gonna be a house someday. But, is it one in which we will be honored to live in or is it going to be a disaster?

     You see, the world is trying to paint a picture for us. Wanting us to imagine the worst, to believe things are going downhill, to see things as broken and hopeless. If we’re constantly envisioning this picture into our hearts, it’s easy to see how people are being pulled into anxiety and depression. I praise God, we don’t have to let the worlds thoughts rule our lives and shape our future! I thank my Father for His word, for His thoughts on how to live life abundantly. We are a called out people for a reason. We are chosen for a purpose. We are blessed to be a blessing in return! I chose to see that and to live accordingly. 

     Can we be visionaries? Can we be a focused church? A bride worthy of the bridegroom Jesus? We need to fix our focus on that which is eternal, where hope is alive and we see we are world overcomers. We need a different perspective! One that can’t be shaken. A heavenly perspective where our confidence doesn’t come from this world or our current situation. It comes from our position in Christ. It’s why we are called to set our minds on what is above, not on what is on earth. For our life is hidden with the Messiah in God. The man and woman who keeps their mind stayed upon the Lord is kept in perfect peace! He’s got more for us. So much more! This world offers no hope, no peace and very little to get excited about. That’s not what I want to be thinking on or living in. If there is a better way, wouldn’t you go for it? Well, there is a better way and deep inside us there’s a longing after it. We all want to see betterment, don’t we? God created us for it. Psalms gives us this beautiful picture of green pastures and still waters, of a tree planted beside a stream that bears fruit in every season. It’s this picture in my heart that creates in me a fierce longing to see it, to strive for it to be all around me. I see people coming to this tree and partaking of its fruit, enjoying the goodness of God and walking away changed. I can partner with God. I can make and be the difference. And if I can see it in my heart, if God gave me the vision for it, don’t you think it’s possible? For me? For you? I believe. Will you believe as well? 

     Gods word inspires. It doesn’t tear down, but builds up. It creates a space within us for hope to bloom. It enlarges our hearts to believe for greater things. It sees the best. It sees the goodness of heaven and works to bless earth with it. When we have Gods word in our minds and are pulling our thoughts from there, it changes things. It changes our perspective to the truth. And the truth is what we need to set us free from oppression and bondage. From the lies of the enemy. Gods Word. It is often the difference between a day going super well despite the circumstances and it going down the drain. The difference between seeing with heavenly viewpoint or not. It comes down to making a choice. Do we want it? Do we want a different perspective?

     We have the ability to see by faith what God is doing in the spiritual realm. Do you know that you have that gift? Let us ask our Father to open our eyes to see as He sees. His perspective is beyond words to describe. His viewpoint so much better than our own. His vision for us, for you, is beautiful and powerful. You are that blessed, my friend. You are that blessed.

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