Pearls of Great Value

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls... - Matthew 13:45

A simple blog. For those in love with Jesus.

Pearls Blog

Pearls Blog

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46
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  • Jun23Wed

    The truth shall set you free

    Fighting the lies of pride June 23, 2021
    Filed Under:
    Pearls Blog

    So here is something shocking. Insecurity and being fearful..are as much related to pride as arrogance and a know-it-all attitude. Yep. You heard right. Same thing. You see, pride is an unwillingness to believe what God says. Pride says, I know better, and it can be disguised in insecurity, in arrogance, in has many different faces.

    Insecurity is simply putting more weight or stock into what you see in yourself as opposed to receiving what God speaks over you and seeing what He sees. That is spiritual insecurity and it's implications travel into all aspects of our lives. Pride in this area does not let us yield to God's opinion of us. It keeps and prevents us from doing what God wants for us because we refuse to die to our own opinion of ourselves and what we deem ourselves to be capable of. Therefore we also limit how much God can do through us. Yes, He is the One who opens our eyes and heart to the greatness  of His work within us..(and let us not forget that it is Jesus working in and through us, enabling us to will and to act for His great purpose.) But, if we let pride keep us in insecurity and in fear, refusing to see that our focus is on us, on's astounding how stuck we become in selfish motives. In self filled thoughts and actions that constantly drive away from Gods purpose. We need to overcome, get over ourselves and die to self. It's the only way the kingdom of God will prevail in us. 
    Anything, by any name it wants to disguise itself, that keeps me from following Jesus, from pursuing this life of becoming an uncompromising follower of Him, has to be laid down at the cross. And I have to be honest with myself, have to search my heart and line myself up with the Word of God. What does He say? I have to square off with that. Build the foundation on His word, His opinion, His truth. With every step and brick I become more faith filled and more confident of who I am in Christ.  

    We can no longer choose to run from our fears and to hide behind the lie of insecurity. We need to face them, see them for what they are and fight them with the truth of Gods Word. It's only in overcoming that we can be and make an impact in this world for Christ. Let us take our focus off of self and unto Jesus, the Author and perfector of our faith. Let us die to self. Dying to self means living for something that is greater than you. Isn't He? Isn't living for Him a greater purpose than living in fear of what if, in living in the lie of insecurity that says you'll never be good enough and you can't do it?  In the hope of the cross we find the greatest exchange, of us giving ourselves for something that infuses our death with life abandunt. It's in dying to self that we gain more than we could ever ask or hope for. It's in dying to self that I become more like the real me that was born in Christ. In Him, I'm a brand new creation. In Him, I live and move and have my being. In Him. Not in myself.  Christ in me, the hope of glory. In Him, I am secure. That is the truth I want to live by. Not the lies that pride speaks to steal from me, seeking to destroy my identity in Christ. It is always the truth that sets us free. Free to be who God created and intended us to be. Jesus says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭8:32‬ ‭MEV‬‬.

    So, let us seek after the truth, which is first and foremost Jesus. He calls himself the way, the truth, and the life. And because He is truth, He will fill us with truth. Truth that will destroy any lies that the enemy has brought against us. Truth that will fill us with the knowledge of who God created us to be, and how much worth we have in His kingdom. Truth that will give us divine grace to comprehend the gift of Christ in us. He will fill us with the weapon of truth which fights for what is right and gains us our freedom. The question is, how much value do we put on this gift? How much are we willing to sacrifice to gain the truth? Do we want truth to reign in our lives? Than we will have to be as the disciples of Jesus. Leaving all earthly things behind, and following after Jesus each and every day. Learning from Him, being discipled by Him, and filled with knowledge by Him. It’s the only way to gain truth. 

    Lord, we need truth. We need it today, in a brand new way. Thank You for being truth, and that we can freely come and receive it from You. Open the eyes of our hearts to see beyond all the distractions and darkness, the lies of this age. Where Satan has formed weapons against us, reveal it to us and show us how to respond. Give us grace to acknowledge the truth and fight for it. We will no longer be bound by fear or insecurities, but we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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